Half birthdays – Set the perfect table!

When I first thought of celebrating a half birthday for my daughter I thought I’m quite unique. She absolutely loved the idea and since, we have a little ritual where I wish her Happy Half-Birthday on that wonderful morning. We don’t have other parties or anything, but the simple mentioning makes the day special. The fact that it is close to Christmas also helps as it builds up the excitement of the holidays. All and all I thought it to be one of the nicest things we’ve set along.
No matter if you’re for or against the half-birthday concept that I have since learned it’s not without controversy, it is a great opportunity to have a dinner party and set a perfect table. And in our foodie times who does not like an occasion for a perfect meal?
Here are four great ideas for such an event.
Glam and sparkle
Fresh and natural
Girl’s night out

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